Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear Jo,

I am not sure how many words I must type to say a big enough or meaningful enough thank you. By the end, I'm sure it will feel too wordy, and yet somehow, lacking in depth and a true articulation of gratitude.

If you were a significant other of mine, I'd be so angry with you. How dare you walk into my life, give me the best years of my life, and then just end? Sure, I'd have the books, but after the first reading, what are they but memories I revisit? There would be nothing new from our relationship all because you'd be gone? I think I'm a little sore in that area. I almost wish that the books would go on and on no matter how far between they are or how poorly written. And then I stop myself and think of the pride I get when I boast about the quality of the books. 

If you were a significant other, I'd be angry at first. Sad because you left, powerless because I saw it coming and couldn't stop it, and confused by why. Then after I let myself wallow, I'd blink and clear my eyes of the disillusionment charm, and realized that you introduced me to a world of people and experiences. And I would never have opened myself up to that if I didn't open my heart up to you first. 

This summer was the greatest experience of my life, and although you are gone, you changed my life. You made me strong enough to stop escaping into the books to live in the wizarding world and to begin seeking the wizarding world in my own life. 

Thank you, Jo. Thank you, Harry. Because of you, I live my own adventures. I go to seek a great perhaps. 

Best Wishes,

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